What is GitOps?

Published December 28, 2023. 6 min read

Shano K Sham, Content Writer, EnLume

Imagine a scenario where deploying applications seamlessly, ensuring consistency across environments, and maintaining an auditable trail of changes become second nature. This is the promise of GitOps, a paradigm that not only transforms the way code is shipped but also harmonizes the collaboration between development and operations teams.Consider this: a critical bug surfaces in a live application, causing disruptions and potential revenue loss. Traditional deployment approaches might involve a frantic search through various configurations, leading to downtime and frustrated users. Now, picture a world where the entire application infrastructure is described declaratively in a Git repository. With a single git push, the entire system is automatically reconciled to the desired state, fixing the bug swiftly and efficiently—no downtime, no manual intervention.In this blog, we explore the definition of GitOps, its core principles, and the tangible benefits it brings. From ensuring consistency and reproducibility to enhancing collaboration and visibility, GitOps is a game-changer. For developers seeking a smoother deployment pipeline and business leaders eyeing a more reliable and agile software delivery, the journey into the world of GitOps is an investment that promises both immediate and long-term returns. Let's dive into the realm of GitOps and unlock a future where deployment and operations are synonymous with efficiency and ease.

Understanding GitOps

GitOps is a set of practices that leverage version control systems, such as Git, to manage and automate the deployment and operation of applications and infrastructure. The fundamental idea is to declare the desired state of the system, store it in a Git repository, and then use automated processes to ensure that the actual state of the system converges towards the declared state. This declarative approach not only simplifies deployment but also provides a clear, auditable history of changes.

Core principles of GitOps

Understanding these core principles lays the foundation for embracing GitOps as a methodology that not only simplifies deployment and operations but also introduces a level of transparency and accountability that is crucial in modern software development and IT operations. 

  • Declarative configuration: In GitOps, the desired state of the entire system, including infrastructure and application configurations, is described declaratively. This means specifying how the system should look and behave rather than detailing the step-by-step procedures to achieve that state. This approach simplifies configuration management and reduces the chance of configuration drift between environments.
  • Version control: Git serves as the single source of truth for the entire system configuration. All configuration files, scripts, and policies are versioned, allowing developers and operators to track changes, revert to previous states, and collaborate effectively. The use of Git enables the benefits of version control, such as branching, tagging, and pull requests, to be applied to infrastructure and deployment configurations.
  • Automated synchronization: One of the key principles of GitOps is the continuous synchronization between the desired state (as defined in the Git repository) and the actual state of the system. GitOps operators, often implemented as controllers, continuously monitor the Git repository for changes and automatically apply those changes to the target environment. This automation streamlines the deployment process, reducing manual interventions and minimizing the risk of errors.
  • Event-driven updates: GitOps operates on an event-driven model. Changes in the Git repository, such as commits or merges, trigger automated processes to update the system accordingly. This event-driven approach ensures that the system is always in sync with the declared state, promoting consistency across different environments.

Benefits of GitOps

Embracing GitOps comes with a myriad of benefits, transforming the deployment and operations landscape for development teams and organizations:1. Consistency and reproducibility

  • Ensuring uniform environments: GitOps ensures that environments are consistent across development, testing, and production stages. The same configurations and settings defined in the Git repository are applied consistently, reducing the risk of environment-related issues.
  • Reproducible deployments: The declarative nature of GitOps allows for reproducible deployments. Any state defined in the Git repository can be recreated anytime, providing a reliable and repeatable deployment process.
2. Traceability and auditability
  • Tracking changes: Every change to the system is tracked in the Git repository, offering a transparent and auditable history. Developers and operators can easily trace who made specific changes when they were made, and what impact they had on the system.
  • Facilitating auditing and compliance: GitOps simplifies auditing processes and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. The ability to trace changes and maintain a versioned history supports organizations in meeting compliance standards.
3. Collaboration and visibility
  • Enhanced collaboration: GitOps promotes collaboration between development and operations teams. By centralizing configurations in a shared Git repository, both teams can work seamlessly, contributing to the same codebase and configurations.
  • Increased visibility: GitOps provides increased visibility into changes and their impact on the system. Teams can easily understand the evolution of the infrastructure and applications, fostering a collaborative and transparent working environment.

GitOps workflow overview


GitOps introduces a streamlined workflow that integrates seamlessly into existing development and operations processes. This overview provides a step-by-step guide to the typical GitOps workflow:

1. Developers push changes to Git: Developers initiate the GitOps workflow by making changes to the application code, infrastructure configuration, or any relevant operational parameters. These changes are committed and pushed to a Git repository, which serves as the central hub for managing the entire system's configuration.

Example: A developer updates the Kubernetes deployment configuration in the Git repository to scale the application horizontally by adding more replicas.

2. Continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines: Upon changes being pushed to the Git repository, CI/CD pipelines come into play. These pipelines automate the testing, building, and packaging of the application. The CI/CD process ensures that the changes are validated, and artifacts are prepared for deployment.

Example: The CI/CD pipeline detects the changes in the Git repository, runs tests, builds a container image, and pushes it to the container registry.

3. GitOps operators reconcile the cluster state: GitOps operators continuously monitor the Git repository for changes. Once changes are detected, these operators automatically reconcile the state of the target environment with the declared state in the Git repository. This reconciliation can involve deploying new application versions, updating configurations, or scaling resources based on the changes made by developers.

Example: The GitOps operator, deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, detects the new container image in the Git repository and updates the running pods to use the latest version.

4. Automated synchronization: The heart of the GitOps workflow lies in the automated synchronization between the Git repository and the target environment. This process ensures that the actual state of the system converges towards the desired state defined in the Git repository.

Example: If the number of replicas in the Git repository is updated from 2 to 3, the GitOps operator automatically scales the application to three instances in the live environment.

5. Rollback and roll forward: In case of issues or unexpected behavior, GitOps allows for easy rollback to a previously known good state by reverting the changes in the Git repository. Similarly, rolling forward to a newer state is as simple as updating the Git repository, triggering the GitOps operator to apply the changes.

Example: If a new application version introduces critical bugs, rolling back involves reverting the Git commit, prompting the GitOps operator to restore the previous, stable state.

Implementing GitOps

Implementing GitOps involves adopting best practices, choosing the right tools, and integrating GitOps principles into existing workflows:

  • Choosing the right tools: Popular GitOps tools include ArgoCD, Flux, and Jenkins X. Evaluate these tools based on your team's requirements, scalability needs, and integration capabilities. Factors such as ease of use, support for declarative configuration, integration with existing systems, and community support play a crucial role in choosing the right GitOps tool for your organization.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): GitOps aligns well with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles. Integrate IaC tools like Terraform and Ansible into your GitOps workflow for efficient and version-controlled infrastructure management. 
  • Use Git to version control infrastructure changes, making it easy to roll back or forward changes to the infrastructure as needed.
  • CI/CD integration: GitOps with your existing CI/CD pipelines ensures that changes pushed to the Git repository trigger automated testing and deployment processes, maintaining a continuous delivery pipeline. Leverage automation to streamline testing and deployment processes. This not only accelerates delivery but also minimizes manual errors and ensures the reliability of the deployment pipeline.


GitOps emerges as a transformative force, reshaping the landscape of deployment and operations with its pillars of consistency, traceability, and collaboration. As organizations navigate the ever-changing world of software development, embracing GitOps becomes a strategic imperative.Adopting GitOps is a journey that involves cultural, procedural, and technological changes. By selecting the right tools, embracing Infrastructure as Code principles, and integrating with CI/CD pipelines, organizations can unlock the full potential of GitOps, reaping the benefits in their deployment and operations processes.For those seeking further insights into powerful deployment practices and cutting-edge methodologies, we invite you to explore more on the EnLume blog. Revolutionize your approach to software delivery and join us at the forefront of innovation. The journey doesn't end here; it evolves with each Git push, paving the way for a future where efficiency and reliability in deployment are the norm.