Creating a reusable gitHub flow for efficient devOps

Published April 04, 2020. 5 min read

Team EnLume

In today’s fast-paced development environment, implementing an efficient and streamlined workflow is crucial for successful software delivery. GitHub, with its powerful collaboration features and version control system, has become a popular choice for teams practicing DevOps. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of a reusable GitHub flow and discuss how it can enhance your DevOps practices.

GitHub flow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow that promotes a continuous delivery approach. It consists of the following key steps:

  1. Create a branch: Each new feature or bug fix is developed in a dedicated branch, providing isolation from the main codebase.
  2. Add commits: Developers make frequent commits to their branches, encapsulating changes made to the codebase.
  3. Open a pull request (PR): When the feature or bug fix is ready, a pull request is opened to merge the changes into the main branch.
  4. Review and discuss: Team members review the code, provide feedback, and discuss any necessary changes.
  5. Continuous integration and deployment: Automated testing and build processes are triggered, ensuring the changes integrate smoothly into the main branch.
  6. Merge and deploy: Once the pull request passes all checks and receives approval, the changes are merged into the main branch and deployed to production.

Advantages of a reusable gitHub flow:

Implementing a reusable gitHub flow offers several benefits to your DevOps practices:

  • Consistency and scalability: By standardizing your workflow, you create a consistent process that can be easily scaled across projects and teams. This promotes collaboration, reduces confusion, and improves overall productivity.
  • Time and resource efficiency: A reusable GitHub flow enables you to leverage existing tools, templates, and automation scripts. This eliminates the need to reinvent the wheel for every project, saving valuable time and resources.
  • Improved code quality: The collaborative nature of GitHub Flow, with its code reviews and discussions, helps catch bugs and improve code quality. With reusable workflows, you can establish best practices and coding standards, further enhancing the overall quality of your codebase.
  • Faster feedback loops: The iterative nature of GitHub Flow, coupled with continuous integration and automated testing, enables faster feedback loops. This allows developers to identify and address issues early in the development cycle, reducing the risk of bottlenecks and delays.

Steps to create a reusable gitHub flow:


  1. Define the workflow: Identify the specific stages, activities, and tools required for your organization’s development process. Consider factors such as code reviews, testing, deployment, and issue tracking.
  2. Establish branch naming conventions: Consistent branch naming conventions make it easier to track and manage different features and bug fixes across projects. Consider using prefixes or tags to differentiate between types of branches (e.g., “feature/feature-name,” “bugfix/issue-number”).
  3. Develop templates and guidelines: Create standardized templates for pull requests, issue templates, and code review guidelines. This ensures that all team members follow a consistent approach and provides clarity on expectations.
  4. Leverage automation: Explore GitHub Actions or other CI/CD tools to automate repetitive tasks such as building, testing, and deployment. This reduces manual effort and enforces consistency.
  5. Continuously improve: Encourage regular retrospectives and feedback sessions to identify areas for improvement. Update and refine your reusable GitHub flow based on lessons learned and evolving project requirements.


Below code snippet is used to call a reusable workflow from any other workflow:

Below is the actual reusable workflow which is being called by the above caller workflow


A reusable GitHub flow is a powerful approach to streamline and standardize your devOps practices. By defining a consistent workflow, leveraging automation, and fostering collaboration, you can enhance productivity, code quality, and delivery speed. Implementing a reusable GitHub flow empowers your development teams to work efficiently, adapt to changing requirements, and deliver high-quality.