Optimizing camera operations on autonomous vehicles through the PUB-SUB framework

Published February 08, 2024. 6 min read

Jaswanth Koya, Tech Lead

The advent of automated cars and autonomous driving technologies has revolutionized the automotive industry, pushing the boundaries of innovation. At the heart of this revolution lies an intricate network of technologies, and one of the critical components is the use of cameras in autonomous vehicles. These cameras play a pivotal role in object detection, video recording, live streaming, image processing, and various machine-learning tasks. However, as the demand for multifunctional camera operations increases, so do the challenges associated with their efficient use. In this blog, we will explore the applications of cameras in autonomous vehicles, delve into the operational challenges they pose, and introduce a solution – the PUB-SUB (Publish-Subscribe) framework implemented with ROS (Robot Operating System) – to optimize camera utilization.

Camera applications

Cameras in autonomous vehicles serve a multitude of purposes, ranging from live streaming for monitoring purposes to recording videos for post-event analysis. They are integral to image processing, a crucial aspect of autonomous driving, aiding in object detection, and ensuring a safe and efficient driving experience. The machine learning algorithms that power autonomous vehicles heavily rely on data collected by these cameras. From the dashboard to the sophisticated algorithms running behind the scenes, cameras are the eyes of an autonomous automobile.

Operational challenges

One of the significant challenges faced in camera operations within autonomous vehicles is the contention for resources. Autonomous vehicles are typically equipped with stereo or Zed cameras, and multiple processes often need concurrent access to the same camera. For instance, image processing might be analyzing the feed for object detection while, simultaneously, the dashboard streaming process attempts to access the camera for a live display. This leads to a device-busy exception, hindering the seamless operation of these critical processes.

PUB-SUB framework

To overcome the challenges of resource contention, an effective solution lies in the PUB-SUB framework, a concept well-supported by ROS. In this framework, data is published to a topic (ROS topic) by a publisher, and any number of subscribers can access this data. Implementing PUB-SUB in the context of camera operations means creating a process that collects raw frames from the camera and publishes them to a ROS topic. Subsequent processes, such as image processing or live streaming, can then subscribe to this topic to access the camera feed.

Implementation with ROS

The ROS platform provides a robust environment for the implementation of the PUB-SUB framework. By creating a dedicated process that acts as a publisher, collecting and broadcasting raw camera frames to a specific ROS topic, the contention for camera resources is mitigated. This allows multiple processes to access the camera feed without conflicts, enabling a seamless and efficient workflow within the autonomous vehicle's system.


Subscriber processes

Processes that require access to the camera feed, such as image processing algorithms or live streaming applications, can subscribe to the relevant ROS topic. This ensures that each process receives the necessary data without interfering with others, promoting a modular and scalable architecture for camera operations in autonomous vehicles.

Benefits of PUB-SUB

The implementation of the PUB-SUB framework brings several advantages to camera operations in autonomous vehicles. By allowing multiple operations to access a single camera simultaneously, it optimizes resource utilization, enhances system efficiency, and facilitates a smoother workflow. This not only resolves the device busy exceptions but also paves the way for the seamless integration of diverse functionalities within autonomous vehicles.

Limitations of PUB-SUB

While the Publish-Subscribe (PUB-SUB) framework offers an efficient means of communication between components in a system, it is not without its limitations. Two noteworthy constraints emerge when implementing this model:

  1. Fixed Frame Rate Constraint: One limitation of implementing the PUB-SUB framework is the fixed frame rate for subscribers. When a process subscribes to a ROS topic and requires a high-frequency frame rate, the PUB-SUB approach encounters limitations. The rigid frame rate can pose challenges for applications that demand real-time and rapid data processing.
  2. Network Dependency for Frame Consumption: Another constraint arises from the dependency on network accessibility for processes or services that consume the frames published over the ROS topic. The effectiveness of the PUB-SUB framework relies on a stable network connection, and processes relying on this communication mechanism must be within the network for seamless frame consumption.


In conclusion, the effective utilization of cameras in autonomous vehicles is crucial for the success of automated driving technologies. By employing the PUB-SUB framework, powered by ROS, the challenges associated with camera resource contention can be overcome. This not only ensures that different processes can access the camera feed simultaneously but also lays the foundation for a modular and scalable architecture. The implementation of PUB-SUB in camera operations sets the stage for a more robust and efficient autonomous driving system.