Beyond the clouds: Taming risks, embracing resilience

Published December 14, 2023. 5 min read

Divya Pulipaka, Content Lead, Enlume

Cloud computing, a method of delivering services over the internet rather than through on-premises infrastructure, encompasses software, storage, and offsite hardware. Its benefits include quick deployment, scalability, and reduced costs. Hybrid cloud setups, combining on-premises and cloud systems, cater to organizations with stringent compliance needs. However, this shift brings forth unique security risks, leading to the emergence of "cloud security." This practice focuses on safeguarding data, applications, and infrastructure in the cloud from unauthorized access and cyber threats.


Several critical security risks in the cloud that need addressing:

Broader threat landscape: The exponential increase in public cloud usage has made it a prime target for cyber breaches. With more data and services moving to the cloud, cybercriminals are increasingly targeting these platforms. Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of attacks, organizations might not even realize they've been compromised until significant damage is done.

Limited control over host security: While leveraging service providers for maintenance and security is convenient, it comes with a trade-off: reduced oversight and control. Organizations entrust their security to these providers, relying on their capabilities and practices. However, this reliance can create blind spots in understanding and controlling security measures, potentially leaving vulnerabilities unaddressed.

Automation challenges: The automation capabilities inherent in cloud hosting, particularly in DevOps practices, are a double-edged sword. While automation streamlines operations and enhances efficiency, it can inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities if not managed meticulously. Misconfigurations or oversight in automated processes might create entry points for cyber attacks.

Weak access management: Hastily adopting cloud services without implementing robust access control measures can lead to an excessive granting of privileges. This opens the door to both internal and external security risks. Employees might have more access than necessary, increasing the potential damage in case of a breach, while external threats capitalize on lax access controls.

Inconsistent security in complex environments: Organizations often operate in complex, multi-cloud, or hybrid setups, combining various cloud services and on-premises infrastructure. This complexity can result in inconsistencies in security protocols and configurations across different environments. These disparities become potential entry points for cyber attacks due to gaps in security measures.

Compliance requirements: While cloud service providers comply with established cybersecurity standards, organizations themselves are responsible for ensuring their systems align with relevant compliance frameworks. This involves a meticulous review of their setup and practices to ensure adherence to regulations and industry standards, which can be challenging, particularly in dynamic cloud environments.

Pillars of cloud security

In the realm of cloud security, it's crucial to bridge the gap between traditional security practices and the unique demands of the cloud environment. Adopting a similar level of scrutiny and vigilance used in on-premises setups becomes paramount for organizations aiming to fortify their defense against evolving cyber threats in the cloud.Let's delve into the six fundamental pillars of cloud security, each serving as a crucial facet in establishing robust protective measures within this dynamic landscape:

  • Secure access controls: Implementing stringent Identity Access Management (IAM) protocols forms the bedrock of security. By carefully regulating access and elevating authentication with escalating privileges, organizations can ensure that only necessary individuals have entry to critical systems and data.
  • Zero-trust network security controls: This pillar advocates for isolating mission-critical assets within secure cloud segments. Through micro-segmentation and rigorous security policies, organizations create fortified barriers, allowing granular control over access and mitigating potential breaches.
  • Change management: Leveraging the change management protocols offered by cloud providers enables organizations to govern and meticulously audit alterations. This approach ensures compliance adherence while swiftly detecting and addressing any anomalous activities that might hint at security breaches.
  • Web application firewall: The deployment of a robust firewall is pivotal in monitoring and scrutinizing web traffic. By continuously monitoring and alerting administrators about any suspicious activities, organizations fortify their endpoint security against potential threats.
  • Data protection: Encrypting data across various transport layers and enforcing security protocols in all areas where data resides or moves within the environment serves as a safeguard. This comprehensive approach shields sensitive information from unauthorized access or potential breaches.
  • Continuous monitoring: Harnessing the monitoring capabilities offered by cloud security providers empowers organizations with real-time insights. By comparing and analyzing logs from various sources, swift incident response and remediation workflows can be initiated, ensuring a proactive stance against security threats.


Cloud computing has reshaped organizational operations, offering flexibility and efficiency, yet it brings a spectrum of security challenges. Recognizing these risks—from broader threat landscapes to compliance complexities—underscores the need for proactive cloud security measures. The six pillars of cloud security, encompassing secure access controls, zero-trust network security, change management, web application firewalls, data encryption, and continuous monitoring, collectively fortify an organization's defense against evolving threats. Embracing these pillars enables businesses to maximize cloud benefits while confidently navigating its security landscape, ensuring resilience, and safeguarding data and infrastructure in this dynamic digital era.