What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Meaning, how it works, types, benefits, and best practices

Published February 12, 2024. 1 min read

Shano K Sham, Content Writer, EnLume

Imagine the intricacies of managing diverse IT environments, where maintaining consistency across servers and networks poses a constant challenge. In this landscape, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) emerges as a powerful solution to streamline and automate the deployment and management of computing infrastructure. This blog is your guide into the world of IaC, where we address the complexities of infrastructure management by exploring imperative and declarative paradigms, discussing the battle between mutable and immutable infrastructure, and providing strategic insights for implementing IaC on prominent cloud platforms. Whether you're seeking to enhance efficiency, automate workflows, or simply gain a deeper understanding of IaC principles, this blog equips you with the knowledge to navigate and leverage the transformative capabilities of Infrastructure as Code.

What is IaC (Infrastructure as Code)?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) represents a paradigm shift in managing computing infrastructure by encapsulating configurations in machine-readable script files. This transformative approach replaces traditional hardware configuration methods with code, allowing for the automated and repeatable provisioning and management of servers, networks, and databases. The essence lies in treating infrastructure configurations as code artifacts, enabling a more agile and efficient deployment process.

Types of Infrastructure as Code

Navigating the realm of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) involves understanding its diverse types - imperative and declarative, and embracing the transformative philosophy of Immutable Infrastructure. This section explores the dynamics of these IaC paradigms, shedding light on their unique characteristics and the strategic considerations between Immutable and Mutable Infrastructure.1. Imperative IaC Imperative IaC operates on a step-by-step basis, providing explicit instructions to achieve a desired infrastructure state. Engineers using imperative IaC define the sequence of actions needed to configure and deploy resources. This type is often more granular and resembles traditional scripting methodologies.2. Declarative IaC In contrast, declarative IaC focuses on describing the desired end state of the infrastructure without prescribing the specific steps to reach it. Users define the configuration they want, and the IaC tool determines the necessary actions to bring the infrastructure into the desired state. This approach promotes simplicity, scalability, and abstraction.3. Immutable Infrastructure Immutable Infrastructure represents a paradigm shift by treating infrastructure components as immutable entities. Instead of modifying existing components, updates or changes result in the creation of entirely new instances. This approach ensures consistency and simplifies rollbacks, as each deployment produces a fresh, identical instance. However, it may entail resource overhead due to the creation of new components.

Immutable vs. mutable infrastructure

The battle between immutable and mutable infrastructure is a core debate in modern deployment strategies. Mutable infrastructure offers flexibility with real-time modifications but grapples with issues like configuration drift and rollback complexities. On the flip side, immutable infrastructure prioritizes consistency by treating servers as disposable artifacts, creating new instances for changes. While ensuring predictable rollbacks and guarding against drift, it might involve resource overhead. Striking a balance or adopting hybrid approaches, often leveraging configuration management tools, becomes crucial. The choice between mutability and immutability significantly influences the resilience and efficiency of modern IT deployments.

Benefits of Infrastructure as Code

Embracing Infra as Code (IaC) brings forth a multitude of advantages, revolutionizing the way organizations manage and scale their IT infrastructure. Consider the following compelling benefits:1. Efficiency boost

  • Automating infrastructure provisioning and updates leads to a significant reduction in manual efforts, streamlining operational workflows.
  • Studies show a 30-50% increase in deployment speed when compared to traditional methods.
2. Consistency across environments
  • IaC ensures uniformity in configurations across various environments, mitigating the risk of inconsistencies and errors, and achieving a 99% consistency rate across development, testing, and production environments.
3. Cost savings
  • Dynamically scale resources based on demand, optimizing costs and avoiding unnecessary expenses.
  • Reports indicate up to 40% reduction in infrastructure costs through efficient resource utilization.
4. Collaboration and version control
  • Version-controlled infrastructure enables collaborative development, fostering better teamwork.
  • Teams using IaC experience a 20% reduction in deployment conflicts and better collaboration.

Popular Infrastructure as Code tools

Navigating the landscape of Infrastructure as Code tools requires a nuanced understanding of each solution. Here's a quick overview with a comparison table to guide your choice:

Choosing the right tool depends on specific needs, such as multi-cloud requirements, ease of use, and integration capabilities.

Getting started with IaC

1. Select a tool When deciding on an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, evaluating your environment and preferences is essential to ensure the most suitable choice. For instance, Terraform shines in managing infrastructure across multiple cloud providers, offering a declarative approach and a vast ecosystem of community-maintained modules. Alternatively, if your infrastructure is primarily based on AWS, CloudFormation provides tight integration with AWS services and offers a native approach to defining infrastructure resources. Similarly, for organizations heavily invested in the Google Cloud Platform, Google Cloud Deployment Manager offers infrastructure provisioning capabilities tailored to GCP's ecosystem. Each tool has its strengths and caters to specific needs, so selecting the right one based on your unique requirements can significantly streamline your infrastructure management processes.2. Create simple configurations Start with straightforward infrastructure definitions. Use code snippets to define basic resources like virtual machines or storage.3. Learn by doing Experiment with small deployments and observe how changes in your code reflect in the actual infrastructure.4. Explore documentation and tutorials Leverage official documentation and online tutorials for in-depth understanding. Websites like Terraform Registry and Azure Docs offer valuable resources.

Challenges and best practices for IaC

While the benefits of Infra as Code are substantial, challenges persist. Addressing common pitfalls and adopting best practices can ensure a smooth IaC journey:1. Security vulnerabilities

  • Regularly scan and update IaC code to address security vulnerabilities.
  • Implement automated security checks, reducing the likelihood of breaches.
2. Testing challenges
  • Develop comprehensive testing strategies, covering unit tests, integration tests, and infrastructure validation.
  • Automation of testing procedures results in a more reliable and resilient infrastructure.
3. Version control and rollback
  • Emphasize version control for IaC code, facilitating easy rollbacks and collaboration.
  • A well-structured version control system reduces the risk of errors in production environments.
4. Automation across the lifecycle
  • Extend automation beyond deployment to include monitoring, scaling, and decommissioning.
  • Full automation ensures the entire infrastructure lifecycle benefits from IaC practices.

Infrastructure as Code implementation services

The adoption of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become pivotal for efficiently managing and scaling infrastructure. This section explores key IaC implementation services, highlighting the robust solutions offered by Terraform, Puppet, Google Cloud, AWS, Ansible, Azure, Kubernetes, and Chef. From multi-cloud support to streamlined configuration management, these tools play a crucial role in automating and maintaining modern IT environments. These are the following options that your company can choose from to embrace IaC with the help of an implementation partner. 1. Terraform Infrastructure as Code Terraform is a widely used Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that enables the provisioning and management of infrastructure in a declarative manner. With Terraform Infrastructure as Code, you describe the desired infrastructure in a configuration file, and the tool automates the deployment and updates. Key benefits include multi-cloud support and a large provider ecosystem, making it adaptable to various environments.2. Puppet Infrastructure as Code Puppet extends the concept of Infrastructure as Code to configuration management. It automates the configuration and management of servers and applications, ensuring consistency across environments. Puppet Infrastructure as Code's strength lies in its ability to define and enforce configurations, making it a valuable tool for maintaining infrastructure integrity.3. Google Cloud Infrastructure as Code Google Cloud Deployment Manager is Google Cloud's offering for Infrastructure as Code. It allows users to define and deploy Google Cloud resources using YAML or Python templates. This simplifies managing infrastructure on Google Cloud, promoting consistency and repeatability.4. AWS Infrastructure as Code AWS CloudFormation is an Amazon Web Services solution for Infrastructure as Code. It enables users to define and provision AWS infrastructure using JSON or YAML templates. This approach ensures that infrastructure is created consistently and can be easily replicated, providing agility and scalability. AWS Infrastructure as Code is crucial for managing resources on the AWS platform.5. Ansible Infrastructure as Code Ansible focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It uses human-readable YAML files to define configurations and automate infrastructure tasks. Ansible Infrastructure as Code is agentless, meaning it doesn't require additional software on managed nodes. This makes it a lightweight and versatile choice for Infrastructure as Code.6. Azure Infrastructure as Code Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates facilitate Infrastructure as Code on Microsoft Azure. These templates use JSON to define resources and their configurations. By using Azure Infrastructure as Code with ARM Templates, users can automate the deployment and management of Azure resources, ensuring a consistent and reproducible infrastructure.7. Kubernetes Infrastructure as Code Kubernetes itself can be considered a form of Infrastructure as Code, especially when using tools like Helm for package management. Kubernetes manifests, written in YAML, define the desired state of applications and infrastructure. This enables the automated deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.8. Chef Infrastructure as Code Chef focuses on automating the configuration and management of infrastructure. It uses Ruby-based scripts (recipes) to define how systems should be configured. Chef Infrastructure as Code ensures that infrastructure evolves in a predictable and automated manner, making it an effective choice for IaC implementations.

Why Infrastructure as Code (IaC) matters for DevOps excellence

IaC's scalability aligns with DevOps principles, allowing dynamic adjustments to resources based on demand, while its declarative nature minimizes configuration discrepancies. This approach not only reduces operational risks by facilitating isolated testing but also ensures compliance through code-defined security policies. In essence, IaC serves as a linchpin in the DevOps toolchain, promoting automation, collaboration, and scalability in the journey toward efficient and reliable software delivery.


As we conclude this journey into the realm of Infrastructure as Code, the significance of this transformative approach becomes clear. IaC empowers organizations to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, collaboration, and scalability. Ready to embark on your IaC journey? EnLume, your trusted partner in cloud services, stands ready to guide you through the nuances of Infrastructure as Code. Reach out to us for tailored IaC services, ensuring your infrastructure aligns seamlessly with the demands of modern IT landscapes. Revolutionize your IT deployment processes with EnLume – where expertise meets innovation.

Frequently asked questions

What is meant by infrastructure as code? Infrastructure as Code (IaC) refers to the practice of managing and provisioning computing infrastructure through machine-readable script files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools.What is an example of IaC? A common example of IaC is using Terraform scripts to define and deploy cloud infrastructure, such as virtual machines, networks, and storage.What is the difference between IaC and DevOps? While IaC focuses on automating infrastructure deployment, DevOps is a broader cultural and operational approach that integrates development and operations teams to enhance collaboration and efficiency throughout the software development lifecycle.Why do we use IaC? IaC is used to automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure, leading to improved efficiency, consistency, and version control in the deployment process.What is the difference between IaC and CaC? IaC deals with automating infrastructure configuration, while Configuration as Code (CaC) focuses on automating the configuration of software applications.What is an example of IaC code? An example of IaC code could be a Terraform script specifying the creation and configuration of AWS resources, defining elements like virtual machines, load balancers, and networking components.Is Docker infra as code? No, Docker is not considered Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Docker is a containerization platform that packages and runs applications and their dependencies, while IaC focuses on automating the provisioning and management of infrastructure components. However, Docker can be part of an overall IaC-managed environment.